Tuesday 19 June 2007

DeviceEmulator Slow?

Recently I was working with DeviceEmulator on Windows CE 6.0 and it seemed slow. If you are using Windows CE 6.0 and you would like debug OS images to be a little more responsive when running on DeviceEmulator here’s a couple of things we found that you can try.

Add a DWORD value in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Platform Builder\6.00\Debug called "SynchronousDebugMessage" and set it to 0.

This tip found here:

The other thing you can try is to ignore module loads until later.
Go to target->connectivity options dialog
Switch to the "service status" tab
Click "settings" for "Kernel Debugger OS Awareness".
Switch the "Module (un)load notification to the debugger" option

The help from the dialog says the following options are available:
Always off: Never catch notification, module changes are updated on each halt. Boot time and execution is fast, real-time, but breakpoints cannot be instantiated on time.
Always on: Catch notification of all module changes immediately. Boot time and execution is slow, non real-time, but breakpoints can be instantiated on time.
Off until first halt: Suppress notification until first target halt, then catch all notifications.

This tip found here:

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